
Ibex has performed hundreds of orthopedic surgical studies in a variety of laboratory animal species since 2003. Indeed, orthopaedics is one of our major areas of expertise. We commonly perform spine fusions, drill defects and long bone segmental defects in a variety of species, but we also are experienced with flat bone and mandibular defects studies. We perform efficacy studies that mimic clinical implantation, regulatory (ISO10999) biocompatibility studies (ISO) and discovery or due diligence studies. Flat bone defects (rat and rabbit craniotomy) are also performed. Our systems are well-honed to be efficient, so clients attending the procedures can get in and out quickly. Surgical procedures are performed by an experienced veterinary surgeon, resulting in surgical quality, reproducibility and uniform techniques between cases and studies. Our clients have a variety of study objectives, ranging from ISO 10999 biocompatibility, implant toxicity, efficacy or internal screening due diligence studies.

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Orthopedics Modeling

  • Spinal Fusions (nude and conventional rats, rabbits, sheep, goats)
  • Femoral Condyle Drill Defects (rabbits, sheep)
  • Humoral Condyle Drill Defect (canine)
  • Long Bone Segmental Defect (femurs in rats, radius in the rabbit, fibula in the canine)
  • Cranial Defects (rats, rabbits)
  • Rabbit Intramedullary Implantation with PK to Determine Elation Rates
  • Mandibular Saddle Defects, Ridge Augmentation (canine, porcine)
  • Diaphyseal Bone Defect (sheep, rabbit, canine)
  • Various Other Orthopaedic Implantation Procedures

Osteoarthritis Models

  • Articular Cartilage Restoration (sheep, goat, rat)
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transection (rabbits)